2021 World Council
#UCLGMeets (External link) Smart cities and territories, pillars of the common agenda
Joint Session Metropolis UCLG on Territorial and Urban Systems
Joint session co-organized in the framework of Metropolis Congress, under the leadership of the UCLG Policy Council on the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda.
🎯 Description: The Policy Council on the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda, launched at the UCLG World Council in November 2020, aims to look at the challenges and opportunities associated around the implementation of the New Urban Agenda, a critical corner stone for the development agenda and for the achievement of empowered, inclusive and resilient cities and territories. The meetings held in 2021 allowed the Sherpas and Policy Councilors to discuss concrete proposals for its agenda, based on the mandate inherited from the Quito Outcome Document at Habitat III, acknowledging the role of local and regional governments in the review and follow up of the New Urban Agenda.
Registration: you are invited to register via the website of Metropolis Congress (External link). The link to connect will be shared with participants.
💬 Interpretation available in: English, French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese.
📌 Key Documents:
▶️ Concept Note (External link)
▶️ The New Urban Agenda Platform (External link)
▶️ The World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments's role in the follow-up of the New Urban Agenda (External link)
🔗 Related resources of interest:
▶️ Learning Module 2: Territorial Planning and the SDGs (External link)
▶️ Special Policy Council Channel (External link) with the latest events, campaigns and key interviews.
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