Pacto para el Futuro de la Humanidad
Changes at "Health beyond healthcare"
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- +{"en"=>"Health beyond healthcare"}
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- +["The pandemic has underscored that we are only as strong as those most vulnerable among us. The rise of inequities has taken a new dimension with the difficulty of equal access to vaccinations, and the different speed at which the recovery takes place in rich and poor countries calls on us to defend the importance of equal access to health and healthy cities as a means to address the roots of inequality.\n \nHealth goes much further than health services: local service provision affects health, we need to rethink deliverables at local level to make a difference. Wedefend an understanding of health in our territories that goes beyond healthcare, through the promotion of equal access to health services, the involvement of local and regional governments, and an ecosystem of basic services that allows equal access to safe, green public spaces that can sustain health services. \n \nAccess to health and healthcare for all people needs to go hand-in-hand with the transformation of the multilateral system. Univesal Health Coverage is an integral part of our positioning, and essential to bridge inequalities and mainstream health for all. It is essential to deliver political statements on the importance to strengthen regulations around healthcare, and focusing on the importance of multilateral efforts to invest in primary healthcare and building multi-stakeholder partnerships on health"]