Pacto para el Futuro de la Humanidad
Changes at "A Pact for People"
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- +{"en"=>"A Pact for People"}
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- +["A Pact for People is a Pact to develop a world with equity and inclusion at the centre. It is a people-centered approach to the way we design public spaces, both digital and physical, the understanding that we develop of the global commons, and the role that we give to public services, putting care and human rights at the heart of sustainable development. It is about developing a feminist way of looking at politics, caring for our communities and for those who work day-to-day to provide basic services to our communities, value their contributions to society, ensure decent work, and foster production models that highlight the importance of the community level, putting service provision, and providers, at the forefront.\n \nThis shift towards a brighter future needs to be a collective effort that facilitates access to basic services and the defence of the rights of our communities.\n \nThe universal development agendas will be the framework upon which to ensure access to basic services, co-creation with our communities, and the defence of the rights of our communities are at the core of our renewed strategy. \n \nThe axis on People will be built on on the 2020 Rome Charter: The Right to Participate Fully and Freely in Cultural Life is vital to our Cities and Communities and the Izmir Declaration; The Charter Agenda on Human Rights, the Lampedusa Charter, the Declaration of the World Forum on Cities and Territories of Peace,the Declaration on the Right to Housing and the Declaration of Cities for Digital Rights. "]