Caring Systems
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Process phases
114/01/2022 - 25/02/2022
Thinking Big
The Thinking Big Phase sets into motion the UCLG 2022 Town Hall process. Starting with a kick off meeting on 14 January with the leading organizations of each Town Hall and the caucuses, and followed by four Thinking Big Meetings (one per Town Hall) in late January and early February to get to the heart of the issue of each Town Hall. This phase culminates at the UCLG Annual Retreat taking place from 21-25 February with an all Town Halls Meeting presenting the deliberations of the Thinking Big phase with the presence of the UCLG membership and partners.
225/02/2022 - 01/06/2022
Going deeper - Visit and Draft
The Visit and Write phase aims at landing the deliberations from the Thinking Big phase and taking them into consideration during the field visits and towards a policy paper outline. The phase kicks off at the UCLG Annual Retreat All Town Halls meeting and includes site visits set to take place between March and May. These visits will present an experience of a local or regional government and help the members of the Town Hall to see firsthand the experience of the UCLG membership in the field. This phase includes developing a proposed outline of the policy paper,ready for consultation by June.
301/06/2022 - 14/10/2022
Consultation and Presentation
In the Consultation and Presentation phase, consultations on the Town Hall policy papers will occur through the UCLG Meets platform culminating with the presentation of the policy papers and their recommendations at the UCLG World Congress in Daejeon . The phase kicks off in June with the consultation of the policy paper outlines by members of each Town Hall and Caucus providing input to the papers. The result of the consultations is a final policy paper to be presented to the UCLG membership and consultation mechanisms at the World Congress in Daejeon from 10-14 October.