Pact for the Future of Humanity
Pact for the Future of Humanity
Initial components of the Pact for the Future have already been identified through the ongoing conversations, deliberations and strategic priorities that have come out through the discussion with the leadership and through the different consultation mechanisms as well as through the collaboration with the UN (Common Agenda) and our partners through the Cities Are Listening exercise.
The Pact for the Future will build on the collective patrimony that our World Organization has developed over the worst of the pandemic, including the UCLG Decalogue for the COVID-19 era; the Rome Charter or the Lampedusa Charter, and pursue the achievement of a Pact that will be anchored in the “Power of We”, a concept built over 2021, in all of its five work areas.
The Pact for the Future that UCLG is mandated to develop aims to take advantage of the window of opportunity that the pandemic has opened. Some of the themes of the UN Secretary General’s Common Agenda, which provides the vision on the future of multilateralism for the coming 25 year, are linked to the axes of the Pact: protecting our planet, leaving no-one behind, and building trust speak directly speak to the axes of people, planet, and government of our Pact.
The Power of We is the strength of the municipal movement to break through and contribute to the UN Secretary General’s Common Agenda: developing a pact for the future, the localization of the universal agendas, and a society of care and ensuring the delivery of public services to bring about transformation. The “Power of We” is also the way in which UCLG will begin to communicate itself to the world, placing care at the center.
In the past months, the UCLG Policy Councils have allowed us to bridge closer ties between the political and the policy inputs of the World Organization, ensuring a stronger alignment of our priorities, and have also allowed us to acknowledge new topics that have emerged in our new reality to be taken into account. The inputs from the Policy Councils will be critical to align our priorities to the current context, bringing inspiring visions from local and regional leaders to some of the most crucial topics of the current era.
Initial structure of the pact
“Thinking Big” Declaration of Intent
The Pact for the Future will start with a “Thinking Big” Declaration of Intent in the form of a brief political introduction that includes a long term vision and sets the scene with the hopes, aspirations, and calls for the years to come. This political introduction will be led by the drafting committee and have a very strong link with the political declaration of the Daejeon Summit.
A Narrative for the three axes
The Pact will then deploy narrative and strategy on the three axes, around 10 pages each: People, Planet and Government, building on the contributions of the various drafters and the political processes of the UCLG World Summit. Here the focus will be on bringing together joint ideas and advocacy that has been carried out throughout the years in key areas of work for the constituency.
The Pact will then finally include a Multi-Annual Strategic Plan organized around the UCLG Work Areas and will inform the work programmes of years to come.
The results of the work of the Drafting Committee will then go into the broader consultations.