Climate and Culture
#CitiesAreListening Climate and Culture Page
Climate Heritage Network
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#CitiesAreListening Climate and Culture Page
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{"body":{"en":"<p>Climate Heritage Network was founded in 2019 with the mission of mobilizing arts culture and heritage for climate action foregrounding the cultural dimensions of the climate emergency and scaling out culture-based solutions. It is a diverse organization. It includes all types of organizations. Pathway of choosing to make culture and climate one of the priorities. I think that because there is no pathway to holding global warming to 1.5 degrees, even to 2 degrees. Culture is an enabling condition for transformative planet action, the role is essential to tackle climate emergency. Daunting: there is culture-sized hole in global climate policy making and global climate planning Economy without culture is what has given us climate change. What is climate planning and action without culture? COP26 prioritize the focus in technological solutions, there is avoidance in cultural dimension. Why? Because of the complexity of the intersection of culture and climate. Culture is part of the solution to climate change, social cohesion, traditional knowledge... but it is also a part of the problem of climate change, at least in the industrialized nations it has been an extractive take-make waste consumption approach to society that has given us climate change. We have been living with that for hundreds of years, in many places environmental humanities calls that we have a Petro-Culture. How do we distinguish between the elements of culture and heritage that are part of the solution and the elements that are part of the problem?. Trade-offs and synergies: conflicts between climate action and culture and it tends to manifest itself in flash points like putting solar panels in historic buildings. Lack of ability to imagine what a post-carbon society looks like. We need people that help us imagine to imagine </p>","es":"","fr":""},"title":{"en":"Climate Heritage Network","es":"","fr":""}}
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