Climate and Culture
#CitiesAreListening Climate and Culture Page
Climate Chance
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#CitiesAreListening Climate and Culture Page
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{"body":{"en":"<p>Climate change has gone into a more global crisis and encompasses everything, the whole climate. The climate change situation is very serious. In these last two years, there are issues around biodiversity. In coming years, we will witness the reduction of natural resource availability including a lot of products, raw materials, and metals and elements necessary for functioning in our society. We need to be thinking about the issue that the planet is finite and how that relates to culture. It's not only climate anymore. I think the first theoretical work that needs to be tackled is the definition of wider crisis that is wider than the climate crisis. How do we revisit our common cultural roots at a planetary level? What is it that we have in common that makes us act in a particular way when it comes to the climate and the inhabitants of the planet? In a cultural approach, we must revisit and rethink this collective culture of responsibility that we've heard about. Even the notion of collective responsibility concept which we've been talking about when it comes to the climate issue in poor and rich countries, beyond that, what is collective responsibility? Behind that, and I say this as a cultural issue that is central, there is development. Today, faced with this crisis of how resources are finite, we cannot continue with the model we've been using and this frantic consumption. There is an intellectual and cultural work to explain what is shared frugality world wide. Otherwise, we will have an increasingly serious crisis around competition and the race for raw materials that could lead to wars. Culturally, we need to deal with all of this as the notion of frugality world wide and how to reconcile the views of the Global North and South. We have collective representation at the world level. We have a lot of specificities. We can find local solutions with regards to the crises we're talking about. We have the capabilities to use the diversity of the world as the root for solutions with the local and cultural elements being taken on board worldwide and the great synergies we identify in our work already. We deal with climate change by putting forward specific local solutions that allow us to come out of the purely theoretical and take action and bring forth solutions that are very interesting and often come with a cultural vision that is far more critical with regards to the mainstream solutions we hear worldwide. It is therefore necessary to look into them with great intention</p>","es":"","fr":""},"title":{"en":"Climate Chance ","es":"","fr":""}}
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