2022 Electoral Process
Renewing UCLG governing bodies and leadership
This online space aims at providing an overview of the 2022 Electoral Process that will take place over the upcoming months until the celebration of the 7th UCLG World Congress. This process encompasses:
- The renewal of UCLG governing bodies
- The elections of both the UCLG Presidency and UCLG Treasurer.
🎯 Renewal of UCLG governing bodies
This year will see the renewal of the governing bodies of our Organization, which will be elected for a three-year term at the 7th UCLG World Congress. The electoral process for the governing bodies is managed by the UCLG sections, in close coordination with the World Secretariat.
Elections for the World Council and Executive Bureau shall be carried out in each defined world region. Where a Regional Section exists within a defined world region, it shall have responsibility for coordinating the electoral process and for liaising with the Committee on Statutory Affairs.
- The World Council, composed of 342 members, is appointed by the General Assembly from the list previously agreed and recommended by the Committee on Statutory Affairs at the advice of the Sections.
- The Executive Bureau, composed of 116 members, is appointed by the World Council within its members according to the list agreed at the General Assembly.
🎯 Election of UCLG Presidency and Treasurer
- United Cities and Local Governments has a Presidency composed of the President and up to 5 Co-Presidents. The Presidency is the principal representative of the World Organization and its visibility, while collective, rests to a great extent in its hands.
- The Treasurer is responsible for the oversight of the financial strategy, accounting and management of UCLG’s finances, and chairs its Financial Management Committee. He/She is a prominent figure in the Organization, with strong ties to the Presidency, and can fulfil a representation role.
- The Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Gender Equality is responsible for monitoring gender equality in the network. In case no gender balance is reached in the Presidency, and at the recommendation of the Committee on Statutory Affairs, the Chairperson of the Standing Committee can become an ex-officio member of the Presidency with full rights.
Both the Presidency and the Treasurer are elected by the World Council of UCLG, which will meet during the upcoming UCLG World Congress in Daejeon.