UCLG Retreat 2024
#UCLGMeets Acting for the future of humanity: The power that unites us.
Changes at "Setting the Scene: Towards Cities, Governments and a Multilateral System that Care for People, Democracy and our Planet"
Title (English)
- +Setting the Scene
Title (Castellano)
- +Preparar el terreno
Title (Français)
- +Planter le décor
Description (English)
Towards Cities, Governments and a Multilateral System that Care for People, Democracy and our Planet
Description (Castellano)
Hacia unas ciudades, unos gobiernos y un sistema multilateral que cuiden de las personas, la democracia y nuestro planeta
Description (Français)
Vers des villes, des gouvernements et un système multilatéral qui prennent soin des personnes, de la démocratie et de notre planète
Start time
- +2024-02-20 14:00:00 UTC
End time
- +2024-02-20 14:30:00 UTC