General Assembly
#UCLGMeets Welcome to the General Assembly's digital space
In this space, you will find details regarding the role, meetings, composition and voting rules of the General Assembly.
🎯 Role
▶️ The General Assembly is the supreme organ of the World Organisation. It has responsibility for the overall policy, direction and oversight of the organisation. In particular, the General Assembly shall:
a. give guidance on the general policy direction of the organisation;
b. receive the report of activities and financial report submitted by the World Council;
c. appoint members of the World Council from among the local government members, after considering a report from the Committee on Statutory Affairs in relation to the validity of elections for this purpose to be duly held within each world region, as set out in the Electoral Procedure Rules;
d. deal with all matters placed on its agenda by the World Council;
e. adopt any revisions to the Constitution;
f. decide on the dissolution and the liquidation of the World Organisation. (Article 33, UCLG Constitution).
📅 Meetings
▶️ The General Assembly shall be convened by the World Council, normally at the time of the World Congress to which both the World Organisation members and non-members are invited. The World Council may convene extraordinary sessions in between ordinary meetings, in the conditions described in the General Rules of Procedure.
The announcement of ordinary and extraordinary meetings must be sent to members at least one month in advance, indicating the agenda items.
The World Council may invite persons and entities which are not members of the World Organisation to attend the General Assembly as observers.
The session will be chaired by the President of the World Organisation who will direct the discussions and give attendees a chance to speak. The Secretary General will act as the Secretary of the Assembly, noting the resolutions passed in the meeting minutes. (Article 35, UCLG Constitution).
Details about the upcoming meetings are included in the "Meetings" tab above.